Squidoo Magazine's 10 Great Guitarists that Put the Focus on their Bands

When metal guitarists of today cite their influences, many times they either list the most prominent players or their favorite bands. When these bands are mentioned, they usually were guitarists that instead of trying to gain the spotlight for themselves helped place the entire band in the spotlight with their contributions. There were also a lot of great guitarists that backed great metal front men like Ozzy and Dio that provided invaluable musical backing to these legends without trying to outshine them.

This lens is a tribute to 10 such guitarists,. even though their names aren't on the tips of many players tongues, played an invaluable part in making the music that many people have really enjoyed and will continue to for years to come.
#5 on the list: Jeff Young (Megadeth) - A Shot but Brilliant Metal Career
Jeff Young enjoyed a relatively short but brilliant time with Megadeth, helping to produce, in my opinion, their finest album. So Far, So Good... So What! and played on the tour for that album. The songs on that album captured the raw emotion that subsequent albums lacked.
My favorite Songs: "Mary Jane" "Liar" & "In My Darkest" Hour" (probably one of my all time favorite Megadeth songs) - Megadeth